Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Drew, Avril and Keith

Drew, Avril and Keith
Originally uploaded by .PT.
I've seen some more famous people in Sydney in recent weeks...

First off I saw Drew Kirk from Neighbours (aka Dan Paris) at Bondi Beach. He was up at North Bondi near the rocks taking photos... I was there with my parents showing them around and he was right next to us. My parents didn't recognise him but I did - the man was in Neighbours which automatically makes him a LEGEND!

Thinking about it now I should have got his autograph for my mate Garside, he is the biggest Neighbours fan EVER and used to arrange his whole day around wathcing it when we were at Uni together...! Sorry G-Side - next time I see a cast member I will get an autograph for you - I promise!

Okay next I saw Keith Urban in Martin Place when I was on my way to work. They film a morning television show called Sunrise (bit like GMTV) in a studio right near there and they sometimes have their music guests playing at Martin Place. I walked right past him and then stopped and turned around when loads of people started going mental for him! I have to admit, I didn't even know who it was until someone said "Ahh yeah mate, that's Nicole Kidman's husband"... He didn't look like he was straight out of rehab...

Anyway moving on, yesterday I saw Avril Lavigne! That was pretty cool she was in Martin Place too signing autographs.

She is tiny, like REALLY REALLY small! She's pretty famous though - so it was cool to see her...

Will keep my eyes peeled for more famous people!

1 comment:

John said...

Mate Keith Urban's a legend. Really good songs - might not be your usual music choice but you've got to respect his ability at songwriting!

Bet the weather's really improving over there now. I've started blogging again too, which is ace!